Toronto Tenant Support Program



  • Report Any Damages Caused By Natural Events As Soon As Possible
  • Request The Landlord To Conduct An Inspection If There Are Suspected Infestations
  • Have A Lawyer Or Legal Clinic Review Your Rental Lease Agreement Before You Sign It
  • Always Check With The Landlord Before Making Substantial Changes To The Rental Unit
  • Request Changes To The Agreement In Writing


  • Do Not Allow Entry For Non-Urgent Matters If A 24-Hour Notice Has Not Been Provided
  • Do Not Sign Any Agreements Or Documents Before Reading All Clauses
  • Do Not Stop Paying Rent, Despite Conflicts With The Landlord




  • Require Income Verification From Potential Tenants
  • Ask For A Letter Of Reference And Contact Information From Past Landlords
  • Ask For Permission For A Credit Check Before Agreeing To The Lease
  • Go Over The Lease Agreement To Ensure There’s Clarity Between Both Parties
  • Ensure Tenants Are Providing Written Requests


  • Go Through Appropriate Measures Before Sending Urgent Notices To The Tenant
  • Do Not Interfere With The Tenant’s Day-To-Day
  • Do Not Enter The Rental Unit Without A 24-Hour Written Notice, Unless Urgent
  • Act In Good Faith – Communicate With Tenants Before Serving Them With Notices
  • Never Shut Off Vital Services For The Rental Unit


This tip sheet is supported by Pro Bono Students Canada- Osgoode Hall Chapter